Examining our thoughts and beliefs can give us insights that lead to greater levels of choice in our lives.
In the previous blog we looked at the different perspectives and choices that can open up for us when we replace ‘just how it is’, with ‘just how I see it’. So much of what we think and what we believe can go unquestioned or unexamined. After all, ‘it’s just how it is’. Interpretations pass as facts, our listening filters in and out what we do and don’t want to hear, and in significant part, our speaking flows from there. That’s certainly how it’s been for me for many years, and I remain a work in progress!
Take something as seemingly simple as the photograph with this blog. What is it? Well, for someone who loves hill walking, it might be a great path leading to new and stunning views. To a fell runner, it may be ideal terrain for long distance hill running. For some, it could be perfect terrain for seeing wild Red Deer, Mountain Hares, Grouse and other wildlife. To others, it could be a dream they might never fulfil due to health issues. Walking up hills and mountains is the last thing some people want to do, so it might represent something completely different to them.
Although this example may seem obvious, there are likely to be a number of things for each of us that aren’t so obvious. And it’s likely that some of those things impact relationships and many other aspects of our lives in less than helpful ways. What if we could start to notice some of those ‘just how it is’ thoughts or beliefs in our lives? What if we chose to ask more questions rather than telling people ‘how it is’? Which takes us to our environment or context which shapes our actions, and those actions directly impact outcomes.
A practical way of better understanding the environment or context I’m in could be to identify a few ‘just how it is’ things in your life, and start to examine and question them. Having identified something, try to be very specific about what you’ve noticed and ask yourself a few questions. For example, you could ask ‘why do I think this?’; ‘how long have I thought this’; ‘what might someone else say about this who may not think the way I do?’ These are just suggestions – you may come up with very different ones for yourself. The idea here is to notice something you might not have noticed before and give yourself some insights. The more insights we have, the more choice is introduced in our lives.
There’s been some great sharing in the Community where we’ve seen some people write their first post or comment. It’s so great to have more people contributing as we then get to hear different perspectives that can lead to more insights, and we all get to be encouraged and spur one another on.
If you’re interested in exploring more about what we’ve been focused on in this Blog, why not try out the Fovea Community.