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#5 Fovea Launch

Gary Borland

The Fovea online Community welcomes its first Friends from 5th May 2021.

Lots of amazing people have signed up to join us in creating a thriving online Community where we believe many lives will be transformed. The positive responses we’ve had have been really encouraging. We start off with people currently living in and/or originating from a number of countries across several continents which will add a richness to the perspectives and experiences shared.

The last couple of months has seen us move from only having a few people aware of Fovea, to sharing and promoting it on Social Media and having lots of conversations with others about the possibilities.

We very much see this as a Community being shaped by its members and what matters most to them. Some of the great pre-launch feedback has resulted in improvements to what the Community has to offer. It’s going to be fantastic having people sharing their own experiences, chatting online, asking questions and supporting and caring for one another. In time, we’ll be running a number of live online events, including interviews with people from within and outside the Community. We believe that we all have equal worth, and everyone has something of value to share.

Key to creating an environment where we can all explore what holds us back and see new possibilities for the future, will be encouraging and supporting one another. Celebrating what people have achieved and celebrating who they are as we journey together.

Observing ourselves, examining why we think and behave the way we do, and noticing what’s getting in the way of what’s important to us will be a big part of what we explore in the Community. Pursuing new possibilities for our lives can bring this into sharp focus; the anticipation, excitement, but also the nervousness, the conversations we have with ourselves, and at times, wondering what other people will think. These and many other things can halt us in our tracks. We believe there is so much more for everyone!

As well as learning from and seeing transformation in our lives, a key part of creating a new future is to celebrate the small as well as the big steps on the journey. So today, we are celebrating the opening of the Community and we’re thankful for all the amazing people who have already helped us to get this far. We’re also celebrating every person who’s agreed to join the Community so far and look forward to others joining in the coming weeks and months.

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