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#15 A New Approach: Fovea Insights Programme

Sharon Borland

Launch, review, listen, adapt, re-launch. Find out what’s new for the Fovea Community as we begin our Insights Programme in October.

As soon as I started writing this and added the date, I started to reflect on how life is always moving on. The 17th of August 2021 is our 30th Wedding Anniversary and what a lot has changed in those 30 years – for us, our relationship and the world around us. Many highs, quite a few lows and a whole lot of just trundling along, often without much intentionality.

Our journey with Fovea is much shorter but has some similarities and differences – some highs, some lows but with a great deal more intentionality than large parts of our marriage! Fortunately, we’re both working on our relationship with far more thought these days, without which I don’t believe it would thrive.

So, back to the Fovea journey. Our focus has always been for people to see beyond the stories, challenges and constraints holding them back, and in May we launched a Community that we hoped would provide people with insights, tools and resources that transform lives. One of the lows was realising that, whilst many of our first members enjoyed what they found within the Community, it wasn’t creating the best environment for them to see transformational breakthroughs. So, we decided to make some changes. Thank you to those who have offered us suggestions on the way.

Fovea will relaunch the online Community on 16th October as the Fovea Insights Programme. Many of the tools and resources are unchanged but two key elements will be different:

  • We will put together small groups of like-minded people who will get to know each other as they discuss their insights, put their learning into practice and discover together what works and the difference it makes. Everything shared during those 16 weeks will be kept within this group, which will provide a safer, more intimate place to share our personal journeys.

  • Each group will receive far more tailored guidance from us. We’ll focus together on particular aspects before moving on to the next stage of the journey. As before, there is unrestricted access to the online Community and our growing collection of content anytime, so life and work commitments needn’t get in the way.

This approach enables us to tailor what we provide to better suit the individuals within each group, sometimes with a particular emphasis, such as family life, relationships or leadership. There is also the opportunity for people to gather their own group of friends, family or work colleagues to support one another or to work together towards a shared vision.

Having completed the Programme, there will be exclusive access to the wider Fovea Community to continue journeying with others, building relationships and enjoy the ever-expanding collection of resources, regular online and in-person events.

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See beyond the stories, challenges and constraints holding you back.

Through new insights, tools and resources, transform your life to cause the seemingly impossible to happen.

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